4 Steps to Be a More Productive Student

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What exactly does being productive mean?

If you manage to get a lot of work done by pushing yourself very hard, is it productivity? How about doing several requirements in one sitting to free up some time, is this being productive?

If you answered “no” to these questions, then you’re on the right track. To be productive does not necessarily mean to do so much in a short amount of time. To be your most productive self is to think about what you want to accomplish first, determine what you are physically capable to accomplish in an optimal working environment, and finally, follow through on building an ideal environment and completing the tasks required to meet your goals.1

With winter break just around the corner, you might be feeling sluggish and wishing for the semester to just be over… but it’s time to face reality one way or another. Don’t worry, don’t hurry. Outwiths has these four steps to assist you in being a more productive student! 


1. Start your day early.

Research suggests that getting a head start on the day enhances your productivity and concentration.2 Waking up early also improves your quality of sleep and provides you with more energy.3 However, the early riser life is not for everyone; for most people, getting up early is difficult. Don’t force yourself as you may not be able to perform in the most productive way possible.

What you can do is make an effort to change your sleeping habits one at a time. So, avoid pulling those all-nighters, taking long naps, or using your electronic devices too much in bed. Learn and improve your sleep hygiene by getting some exercise, keeping a healthy diet, and setting a consistent bedtime schedule.


2. Set priorities.

You don’t want to feel stuck and end up not getting things done. When you feel overwhelmed, take a short pause and set your priorities. Plan out your goals and focus on tasks that are most important and urgent. Unlike popular opinion, multitasking actually leads you to be less productive. You can also evaluate your tasks by estimated effort. Figure out your most productive days, too!

Don’t beat yourself up if you’re not able to stick with your to-do list. Allow yourself to make mistakes and be willing to compromise with yourself. Be flexible and bear in mind that your priorities may change. 


3. Silence notifications.

Maximise your productivity by turning off your social media notifications. Put your phone away to dodge additional distractions, too. If you really have to check your phone, you can enable “focus mode”4,5 to block out distracting apps. As for when you’re using a computer, you can also download website blockers like Freedom6 to help you be more productive and focused!


4. Schedule healthy breaks.

Part of being productive is taking breaks. After completing a task, eat a snack, drink water, or do some stretches to clear your head. Relax your eyes as well if you’re working on a computer. You can relieve your tired eyes by massaging them or applying a warm cloth over them. You can also try the 20-20-20 rule: Take a 20-second break every 20 minutes at work to look at anything at least 20 feet away from you to keep your eyes from getting fatigued.7


Final Tips

How did you find these 4S’s? If you commit yourself to start your day early, set priorities, silence notifications, and schedule healthy breaks, you would be able to make a routine! Routines enable students to finish daily tasks in a timely manner and aid in the creation of smoother transitions between tasks, resulting in less potential for interruptions as well.8

Believe in yourself, you can do it! As one last tip to boost your productivity, listen to this motivational playlist we have for you! Get your game on and power through!


  1. https://productivityreport.org/what-is-productivity/

  2. https://www.sleepadvisor.org/benefits-of-waking-up-early/

  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3630977/

  4. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT212608

  5. https://www.guidingtech.com/focus-mode-on-samsung-galaxy-devices/

  6. https://freedom.to/

  7. https://www.insightvisioncenter.com/6-eye-relaxation-exercises-actually-work-improve-vision/

  8. https://www.odu.edu/content/dam/odu/col-dept/cdse/docs/4-classroom-routines.pdf


Created on: 15 December 2021

productivity tips